The New York Academy Nursery program offers our young learners a rich and comprehensive curriculum and engaging learning experience. The curriculum focuses on preparing students for elementary school as well as their social and emotional growth. The current student teacher ratio is 8:1.
Focusing on the social and emotional and well as academic needs of our young learners, our pedagogy emphasizes inquiry- and project-based instruction and learning. Through project-based learning, children actively investigate their interests, discover new ideas and develop their own understanding. In keeping with our mission and values, teachers encourage and support each child’s unique style of learning, interests and talents.
Social-Emotional Learning
During our students’ Nursery experience, children learn to manage emotions and regulate their behavior. They learn to control impulses, tolerate frustration, follow behavior guidelines, cope with strong emotions and delay gratification. In our nurturing and supportive environment, teachers gently guide children and help them develop positive social skills. They learn to share, wait their turn, express empathy, show kindness and respect others.
English Language Arts
We believe it is important to build a foundation for literacy at an early age. Students learn to understand and use language to communicate their thoughts, ideas, needs and feelings. They develop listening skills and understand increasingly complex language. Students expand their vocabularies as they learn to name and describe characteristics of familiar people, objects and animals. They learn to respond appropriately to statements and questions, and form sentences properly in spoken language. Our teachers also help students speak clearly and pronounce words correctly.
We know how important experiencing mathematics is for brain development. During the Nursery years, students develop the foundations of basic mathematical knowledge and skills.
Students learn about the characteristics of animals and plants, and the basic physical properties of objects and materials. They also learn about our environment and how to care for it. Our students learn to notice, think and realize.
Social Studies:
Students learn about themselves in terms of age, gender and physical traits. They also learn about other people, their characteristics and how they live. They learn about different types of families, and the different roles people play in families, school and the larger community in which they live.